Devastated reading the UN report on biodiversity loss, I am recommitting to a project I started a while ago to paint portraits of critically endangered species. A bit different than my usual work, but bear with me. From the article in The New York Times: ““Human actions threaten more species with global extinction now than ever before,” the report concludes, estimating that “around 1 million species already face extinction, many within decades, unless action is taken.” Follow the project @onemillionspecies on Instagram.
This is an ongoing series started in February 2017 as a response to current events.

vintage postcard and gouache on paper, 2018, 11” x 15”

vintage postcard and gouache on paper, 2017

vintage postcard, ink and thread on paper, 2017

vintage postcard on paper, 2018, 11” x 15”

vintage postcard and gouache on paper, 2017

vintage postcard and thread on paper, 2017

vintage postcard and gouache on paper, 2017

vintage postcard and thread on paper, 2017

vintage postcard, thread and gouache on paper, 2017

Vintage postcard and gouache on paper, 2017

vintage postcard and gouache on paper, 2017

vintage postcard and gouache on paper, 2017

vintage postcard and gouache on paper, 2017

vintage postcard and thread on paper, 2017

vintage postcard and gouache on paper, 2017

vintage postcard and collage paper, 2018, 11” x 15”

From September 7, 2015 until September 7, 2016, I undertook a daily drawing project, and here is a selection of drawings from the year:

watercolor on paper, 8.5" x 12"

watercolor on paper, 12" x 8.5"

watercolor and gouache on paper, 8.5" x 12"

ink and gouache on paper, 8.5" x 12"

gouache and watercolor on paper, 12" x 8.5"

gouache and watercolor on paper, 8.5" x 12"

gouache and watercolor on paper, 12" x 8.5"

ink and watercolor on paper, 12" x 8.5"

gouache and thread on paper, 7" x 10"

paint chip and thread on paper, 10" x 7"

thread on paper, 7" x 10"

paint chip and thread on paper, 10" x 7"

paint chip and gouache on paper, 10" x 7"

thread and gouache on paper, 10" x 7"

thread and gouache on paper, 10" x 7"